You Made Me Smile Again Lyrics

"Don't Alter Your Plans", The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner (1999).
Song lyrics, With Ben Folds Five

Adopted from Wikiquote. Terminal update Sept. 14, 2021.

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„You lot know, friends, then many people have wished me congratulations on a 67-twelvemonth career in baseball, and they've wished me a wonderful retirement with my family, and now, all I can do is tell you lot what I wish for you. May God give you, for every storm, a rainbow; for every tear, a grin; for every care, a promise; and a approval in each trial. For every trouble life seems, a faithful friend to share; for every sigh, a sweet song, and an reply for each prayer. You and I take been friends for a long fourth dimension, but I know, in my eye, I've always needed you more than you lot've always needed me, and I'll miss our fourth dimension together more than I tin can say. But, you know what, there will exist a new day, and, eventually, a new year, and when the upcoming winter gives way to leap, ooh, residual assured, once once again, information technology will exist fourth dimension for Dodger baseball game. So, this is Vin Scully wishing you a pleasant good afternoon, wherever you may be."

—  Vin Scully American sports broadcaster 1927

Scully'southward final sign-off every bit a Dodger broadcaster.

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„And I was in such a state as I had been so many times before, so passionate and then terribly unnerved that I idea I should not satisfy my Lover and my Lover non fully gratify me, then I would have to desire while dying and die while desiring."

—  Hadewijch 13th-century Dutch poet and mystic 1200 - 1260

Context: One Pentecost at dawn I had a vision. Matins were being sung in the church and I was there. And my heart and my veins and all my limbs trembled and shuddered with desire. And I was in such a land as I had been and so many times earlier, so passionate and so terribly unnerved that I thought I should not satisfy my Lover and my Lover not fully gratify me, then I would have to want while dying and die while desiring. At that fourth dimension I was and then terribly unnerved with passionate dear and in such hurting that I imagined all my limbs breaking i past i and all my veins were separately in tortuous pain. The state of desire in which I and so was cannot exist expressed by any words or any person that I know. And even that which I could say of information technology would be incomprehensible to all who hadn't confessed this love by means of acts of passion and who were non known by Dearest. This much I can say near information technology: I desired to complete my Lover completely and to confess and to savour in the fullest extent--to fulfil his humanity blissfully with mine and to experience mine therein, and to be potent and perfect so that I in turn would satisfy him perfectly: to be purely and exclusively and completely virtuous in every virtue. And to that end I wished, inside me, that he would satisfy me with his Godhead in one spirit (ane Cor half-dozen:17) and he shall be all he is without restraint. For in a higher place all gifts I could cull, I choose that I may requite satisfaction in all neat sufferings. For that is what information technology ways to satisfy completely: to grow to existence god with God. For information technology is suffering and pain, sorrow and being in great new grieving, and letting this all come up and go without grief, and to taste zip of it but sweetness love and embraces and kisses. Thus I desired that God should be with me so that I should be fulfilled together with him.

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